Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy 2011!

One of the goals I have is, to do all of the projects I am assigned better than before. If I can accomplish this I will have more time to "R'nR". A second goal I have for this year is, to be nicer and respect my             ill-tempered little brother, even though he takes advantage of me. If I accomplish this, I can hopefully earn some respect and kindness back, lessening the tension around the house.

An experience I had during the holidays was, going to Club Med Bintan. Personally I've been to Club Med Cherating and Club Med Bali, I thought this Club Med stood out. The food was great, from pizza and burgers to seafood and dessert. A fantastic breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet with addictive choices, fabulously friendly G.O.s that smiled every time they saw you, and a variety of clubs for ages 18 and below so parents and guardians can drop off their kids and relax on the beach, the bars and pool.

Anyway, I decided to join Teens club (junior club), we had plenty of activities to do, I soon learned all the activities could be changed whenever. The first activity we did every morning was archery. I was not a beginner so I took an arm guard, finger guard and waited on the long bench for the instructing G.O. to call the next line of twelve people up. Two minutes later it was my group's turn, the instructor placed me with a thirty pound bow, I was next to one of my new friends who also had a thirty pounder. I picked it up and immediately noticed it was way heavier than the others, I glanced at a table that showed it's weight and strength, it was by far the most powerful. I pulled back the string and let go I gazed at the target I saw that the arrow was almost all the way through, just for a few inches. I told my friend about the shot as he let go, he struck bull's eye and eventually that started a competition.

A talent I have is, making people say "Wow... You're tall..." After they say this, I tell them what grade level I'm in. Every new school year, or every time I meet some one for the first time, this happens. The reason I can do this is because I'm in middle school, 6th grade, and I'm 5.7 feet tall with no shoes, while most sixth graders where I live are from 3.5 to 5 feet tall. I'm the tallest sixth grader in my school which makes it quite obvious why I get those comments.

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