Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Giver "Question Reflection"

Would you want your future chosen by others?

Answer: No

No, if my future was chosen by others I would be frustrated mattering on what my "future" was. Say this, if your future was to become a computer inventor and you didn't like technology what would you say.

Would you complain, reason or suggest a future or would you sit there and wait. I, myself would try to grab another choice out of the sea of jobs, and maybe start a career.

From the novel , it said there was a boy who did not like his job and filed in a complaint, he didn't get a new job because the people that chose the jobs didn't like them changed.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Imovie Reflection

Point Table:

Introduction = 4 out of 5

Pharaoh's Achievements = 5/5

Architectural Achievements = 3/5

Images = 4/5

Narration = 4/5

Transitions and Effects = 3/5

For the introduction, I thought I placed it too far into the video. Which made an illusion that there was no main topic other than Egypt an it's rulers (Ancient egypt). Although I had all the information I thought I needed. So I grade myself a 4 out of 5

The Pharaoh's Achievements were the easiest. There were not that many facts but there was lots of information.

Finding The Architectural Achievements was a challenge at first. After I searched I found at least 32 structures built by This Pharaoh.

Some problems I had dealt with during the project were, it had to be finished during chinese new year and my partner and I were separated. Eventually we finished and presented.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Presentation Reflection

Addis ababa ethiopia

The Project: ^

1) What did I do well on the project?

Things I thought I did well on the project: Throughout the project I had a hard time finding specific pictures and info but over a period of time I actually found some good pictures. I also managed to barely read off the screen, project my voice and give good answers towards questions I received. On the other hand the questions were really easy to answer.

2) What would I improve for future presentations/projects?

For future presentations I would improve on the smoothness of my speech and resisting the urge to read of the screen. I want to improve this because many of the presenters read of their powerpoint instead of using cards or memorizing mainly what you wanted the audience to hear. This will help the audience understand better what i am trying to tell them.

3) What did I learn about the presentation process that could include my individual preparation in addition to the presentations of others?

I learned that time and information are the keys to having a good presentation, a good presentation can have maybe four to six sentences per slide to make a good project. Graphics are important as well. If an audience member does not understand what is being presented a photo or movie makes it easier to understand.

4) What did I learn from the city presentations of others?

Since I presented towards the end I was given a chance to observe other students, I noticed (as I said before) that students liked to read off the screens, and after critics were given for reading off the screen. So I started to memorize bit by bit of each slide. Not only did this help during the presentation but it also gave me confidence.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Learning Profile

In school I received a paper that helped to find my learning profile. This is the diagram after I finished. I have an A profile, as it's written on the top right corner. The diagram shows which body parts I use most of the time (The parts that are colored), I use my right foot, right hand, right eye and left part of my brains hemisphere. This means I think logically most of the time.

Later, I received a paper that told me the strengths and weaknesses. Obviously not everyone has the same strengths and weaknesses. Though for me, all the description were true.

I learn best when I focus on details. I process things by analysis, verbalization and writing. I also prefer my lifestyle to be virtually orderly. I need to work on my skills in telling other people how I feel. Most of the time I keep my feelings welled up inside, I find it quiet torturous and tiring.

The strategies that would help me in my learning, to be encouraged to understand and synthesize info from a complete view. also to explore things I might not want to. I would like my teachers to know that under stress I can stop thinking straight and that I have trouble connecting emotionally.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy 2011!

One of the goals I have is, to do all of the projects I am assigned better than before. If I can accomplish this I will have more time to "R'nR". A second goal I have for this year is, to be nicer and respect my             ill-tempered little brother, even though he takes advantage of me. If I accomplish this, I can hopefully earn some respect and kindness back, lessening the tension around the house.

An experience I had during the holidays was, going to Club Med Bintan. Personally I've been to Club Med Cherating and Club Med Bali, I thought this Club Med stood out. The food was great, from pizza and burgers to seafood and dessert. A fantastic breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet with addictive choices, fabulously friendly G.O.s that smiled every time they saw you, and a variety of clubs for ages 18 and below so parents and guardians can drop off their kids and relax on the beach, the bars and pool.

Anyway, I decided to join Teens club (junior club), we had plenty of activities to do, I soon learned all the activities could be changed whenever. The first activity we did every morning was archery. I was not a beginner so I took an arm guard, finger guard and waited on the long bench for the instructing G.O. to call the next line of twelve people up. Two minutes later it was my group's turn, the instructor placed me with a thirty pound bow, I was next to one of my new friends who also had a thirty pounder. I picked it up and immediately noticed it was way heavier than the others, I glanced at a table that showed it's weight and strength, it was by far the most powerful. I pulled back the string and let go I gazed at the target I saw that the arrow was almost all the way through, just for a few inches. I told my friend about the shot as he let go, he struck bull's eye and eventually that started a competition.

A talent I have is, making people say "Wow... You're tall..." After they say this, I tell them what grade level I'm in. Every new school year, or every time I meet some one for the first time, this happens. The reason I can do this is because I'm in middle school, 6th grade, and I'm 5.7 feet tall with no shoes, while most sixth graders where I live are from 3.5 to 5 feet tall. I'm the tallest sixth grader in my school which makes it quite obvious why I get those comments.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Partnered Literature Circles, Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

Some of the benefits of working with a partner are: it is easier to accomplish an assignment because the work is divided among the group members. A second reason is, if a group member did not complete his or her reading assignment the other group member can fill him or her in on what they missed. The final reason  that it is good to have a partnership is more creative problem solving. What I mean by that is, because no two people see the same problem the same way, approaching a problem with a partner can lead to a broader array of possible solutions or answers.

Some challenges and obstacles I had to overcome during literature circles are: arranging time periods between homework and rest and relaxation, making sure that I have read the amount I had to read and going to school with the assignment in-hand. Obviously, if a group member did not do their part in the project, and the other group member did but was not around to see his partners, then that group member is in big trouble.

Finally, some new understandings that I have gained about the novel. One new understanding is that the flow of the book is not linear, in other words the story shifts between the present and past, but topics can change fluidly, even on the same page. Another new understanding that  has changed my perspective on the book is that the main character is a normal teenage boy named Brian who was forced to forage in the woods of Canada in order to survive after a plain crash. This book is adventurous and also kind of sad because Brian's parents were divorced because his mother, two months earlier, cheated on Brian's Dad. I personally find this novel very interesting because a good (bad) problem leads to a very good story.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Literature Circles Review

1. How your groups discussion helped you better understand the novel. Write about of some of the key ideas from the novel that your group discussed and how these were important to the plot of the story.

Our group discussion helped me better understand the novel because by discussing it, I revisited the story and saw it through some one else's view. Each of us thinks differently, so each of us explains the passages we chose in a different way. This helped me better understand what we read, for example two of my literature circle buddies accidentally chose the same passage and when we talked about them they came up with two completely different ideas about the passage.

One key idea from the novel that we discussed was the idea of survival in the wilderness. We talked about what we ourselves would do if we happened to be in the same situation. survival is the key element in the plot of the novel.

2. Describe some of the connections that you made during your discussion.
One of the connections I made during our discussion was remembering being attacked by mosquitos and leeches, and spending the night in agony, just like Brian did. I remember how frustrated I felt because the itching would not go away. I thought I was going mad.

3. What predictions do you have for the rest of the novel.

I think that Brian will have to go another three or four days before he is rescued also there is a strong possibility he will meet the bear again. If he is rescued, he might be reunited with his Dad. If he is reunited with his Mom he might see more unfortunate scenes that might upset him.